Youth Foyers across Australia have completed much of their business continuity planning and are moving into implementation and the new ‘business as usual’. A special shout out to Launch Housing (Education First Youth Foyer (EFYF) at Kangan and EFYF at Holmesglen Foyers), Berry Street (EFYF at GOTAFE) and Anglicare WA (Foyer Oxford) for taking the lead in the sharing of COVID-19 planning documents widely amongst the Accredited Youth Foyer network.
As everyone had to go into isolation, practice social distancing and were faced with many difficulties external to Youth Foyers, the strength of the Accredited Youth Foyer approach of Advantage Thinking became evident.
It has been wonderful to see some of the activities that the Accredited Youth Foyers are focusing on to ensure connection and to recognise the talents of young people.
Education First Youth Foyer, Holmesglen
“One of our amazing workers hosted a virtual brunch – with assistance of Maccas (hotcakes anyone?) to discuss youth homelessness, why youth homelessness matters and what youth homelessness means to them. It was a great way to get students to connect, reflect and contribute online. While we can’t meet face to face, we are still supporting our students with the virtual delivery of their ‘something-for-somethings’! One student sourced an authentic Polish pierogi recipe from her grandmother, bought ingredients and delivered them to each participating student’s door. Together the students cooked pierogis from scratch and shared in the student’s Polish culture.”- Hannah, Manager
Education First Youth Foyer, GOTAFE
“Instead of the communal Sunday dinner, to pay back to the community and keep the local economy ticking along we are arranging local, single serve, takeaway for participating students (and finding more are interested in this than our usual Sunday Roast). Takeaway outlets are loving getting an order for 25 meals (one even opened specially to cater for us). We are still achieving social connection while social distancing.” – Anita, Manager
“We are doing a shared community art installation. Students are submitting pieces of art and we are displaying them as a shared piece in the entrance of Foyer Oxford. We are building the image and the reality of community through this shared work while still maintaining a physical distance.” – Daniel, Team Leader
“There has been a Bunny Invasion…. a Bunvasion if you will! The Easter Bunny was given clearance for essential travel and was already practicing non-contact to deliver Easter egg goodness worldwide and Logan Youth Foyer was no different. He delivered a mother load of eggs to the site and we all got our chocolate fill. You are never too cool for the Easter Bunny!” – Jasmine, Manager